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Planning For Your Students' Mental Wellbeing - Should It Be A Priority?

Updated: Jun 15, 2022

After another extremely challenging year for our young people and their teachers, hero leaders across the world are starting to look forward and plan curriculum maps for the next academic year.

We would love to know what you are planning and why.

Are you sticking to the same traditional curriculum or are you going to seize this opportunity to make a difference to your young people and give them the tools to protect and build their mental wellbeing now and in the future as part of a broad and balanced curriculum?

Covid has exacerbated many of the prevalent mental health issues young people were suffering from before the pandemic and I would urge you to consider what you can do as a leader to improve the situation for young people when planning your curriculum next year.

A number of trailblazing schools in the UK and Internationally are incorporating Early Intervention Mental Wellbeing programmes into a range of subjects and extra-curricular activities so that as many young people as possible can take on proactive self-care strategies to improve their mental wellbeing now and long after they have left school.

They are strengthening their practice in identifying students who are struggling, building their confidence, self kindness, using worries as a positive, creating plans for dream futures, moulding healthy habits, eradicating unhealthy habits and giving students the skills to access the four happiness chemicals. They are placing movement at the heart of school life so young people understand the clear link between physical activity and mental wellbeing in a memorable way and which is now statutory for schools to deliver in RSHE.

Innovative Norfolk schools are leading the way where 60 out of 76 secondary and special schools have signed up to the RISE Up online teacher training course so that they can upskill their teachers to reduce their students' anxiety, build their confidence and create sustainable early intervention mental wellbeing programmes within 90 days. In just 2 weeks 170 teachers have signed up for logins

The activities have been delivered across schools in 10 different ways to give schools greater flexibility on how to implement the programme for maximum impact. The results have been staggering leading to healthier happier young people, calmer behaviour around school, enhanced relationships with students and staff, and improved attendance, progress and attainment across the school.

Here at Future Action, we have partnered with over 90 schools across the world in a range of settings from Primary to Secondary, International Schools to Special Schools this academic year to embed these transformational strategies based on evidence based theory and to enable leaders to have a whole school impact.

If you would like to join this movement of inspirational teachers but are not sure where to start, then why not complete the 3 minute Early Intervention scorecard to find out your school's wellbeing score and receive a personalised report on how you can take it to the next stage.

Alternatively, why not click on the link below to find out more about our course.

Or get in touch for a friendly conversation about how we can support you!

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes

Neil & the Future Action Team

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