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Nike prioritise mental health - is it time for your school to Just Do It?

This week Nike closed its central office in Beaverton, Oregon to give staff the week off to prioritise their mental health.

It is another fantastic sign of how far awareness about mental health has travelled over the last few years and Nike should be applauded for the gesture.

Here at Future Action, we would be intrigued to know what self care strategies Nike gave its staff to help individuals manage their mental health in a proactive way.

We work with a growing number of forward thinking schools to implement our ‘9 step building mental fitness road map’ that gives inspirational PE leaders a proven method to transform student and staff wellbeing across the whole school. This reduces the chances of pupils suffering from anxiety and depression in the future so that they can thrive academically and personally instead.

In Stage 1: we develop awareness of what building mental fitness is and how we can identify those students who are struggling with their mental health but sneaking under the radar to create a proactive culture around student wellbeing.

Stage 1 - Steps:

1 - Intro to mental fitness -🧘‍♀️

2 - Identification - 👁

3 - Self-awareness -🎗

In Stage 2: we equip students & staff with a range of self care strategies to build confidence & kindness, use worries as a positive, raise aspirations, develop healthy habits and how to access the happiness chemicals.

Stage 2 - Steps:

4 - Confidence and Kindness - 💪

5 - Worries As A Positive - 🧠

6 - Habits 🗓

7 - Happiness 😃

In Stage 3: we show staff how to embed the programme across the whole school community in 7 different ways to have maximum impact.

Stage 3 - Steps:

8 - Whole School Impact - 🏫

9 - Next Steps

The results have been quite staggering with happier young people and staff, calmer behaviour across our schools, increases in progress and attainment and attracting new pupils to our schools because of the priority they give to student wellbeing.

Paul Collin, Headteacher at City Academy Norwich, said "It’s crucial, now more than ever to consider how schools and colleges are developing both the academic and the wellbeing of every young person.

At City Academy Norwich we place a core emphasis on every child having the same opportunity in life. Being mentally fit, happy, energised and productive are key attributes that everyone can benefit from having.

Our work with Future Action and the Building Mental Fitness programme has allowed us to ensure we consider a proactive approach to these areas, working with all our young people to become the very best versions of themselves and achieve future successes."

Here at Future Action, we have partnered with schools across the world in a range of settings from Primary to Secondary, International Schools to Special Schools to embed these transformational strategies and enable PE leaders to have a whole school impact.

If you would like to join this movement of inspirational teachers but are not sure where to start, then the Building Mental Fitness course teaches you and your staff how to set up an award winning program with easy to follow videos and editable resources to save you hours of time planning and creating resources.

Click on the links below to find out more:

And get in touch today for a friendly conversation about how we can support you achieve your goals!

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